What is Toiletology?
Toiletology was channeled after a week long spiritual battle that the founder experienced that started on 1/7/2023. They were given the religion of Toiletology from the Toilet God for the sole purpose of saving humanity before we go extinct. More and more people are becoming atheistic by the day, believing less and less in God. The one true God needed a way to bring people back to them. That way is Toiletology, on the outside it looks like nothing more than a joke and parody. But once you start digging deeper you will find there is a lot of truth in what is being taught at our church. Humor and jokes is a good way to get past peoples initial anger and hate for God, you can think of Toiletology like a Trojan Horse to bring God's truth to the masses in the most fun and authentic way.
How can Toiletology help me?
The more you practice Toiletology you will get closer and closer to God's heartbeat. We call this being in the eye of storm or in the bullseye. Once you're are in the eye you will have less stress, depression, worries and you will start to feel more energetic and happy.
Is Toiletology a cult?
No! Toiletology is a "parody religion" similar to Pastafarianism or The Church of the SubGenius. Everything that we practice or preach is about respect, truth, honor and love for one another. There is no central figure to be worshipped or followed.
Is Toiletology worth my time?
On the outside Toiletology may look like just a joke parody religion. But the more you dig the more truth you will uncover. What you will learn here by studying Toiletology you won't find anywhere else.
This ultimate truth was channeled by our founding member from the one true God. The Toilet God needed this religion or spiritual practice to be created in the modern age because the world has fallen so far away from Gods heartbeat and has become less and less interested in finding God. The goal of Toiletology is to help everyone FIND GOD!
That's the secret to reality, finding God, and Toiletology = the master method for doing just that!
Why did you create the religion of Toiletology?
The world is a very messed up place with all the chaos and wars going on each and everyday. Many people have suffered and died throughout history because of the various "religions."
Our Goal is to build a very large "parody religion" based on respect to show how much that one tenent or commandment can improve your life and everyone's lives around you.
Like the wise Yoda once said, "Hate leads to suffering."
What can I expect in the future from Toiletology.org?
In the future we will launch our custom members forum. This area will be free in the beginning but in the future will cost $6 per month. You will also be able to use the custom forum for $0. But you will have a 0 (egg) ranking.
Which means you will only be able to read 0 security post. We would like to be a place where you can voice your opinion without censorship. As the main location where people will be working together to help develop Toiletology to a more refined Jedi science.
What can I expect in the future from Toiletology?
We will be creating video content teaching you more about Toiletology, interviews being done by our founders or other high ranking Toiletologist. Our goal is to keep pumping out content so we can free as many minds as possible from the invisible glass prison we are all inside of.
In the future we plan to release our own Cardano crypto token, this can be seen as a meme token but it will have a lot of utility as it will tie back into everything we are creating for the members of our church.
You can anticipate to see a reference guide book on Toiletology written in the near future, as well as sort of a beginner book that focus more on philosophy vs actual methods.
How can I help speed up this process?
Right now we are looking for help to build our custom forum/members area. We have the team to build a state of the art (HTML5/REACT) style forum, but need the funds. You can also purchase one of our promo shirts
toiletology.org/promoteIt will cost us roughly $500 per month for about 3-4 months to build. ($2000~) We will be adding new tools and features as we grow. Think of Toiletology.org as a custom app similar to X.com.
We plan to continually build and reinvest our funds from our members back into the community and what we are building.
How do I get promoted in the church?
Early on promotions will be based on your own individual progress you are making in the ways of Toiletology. Only officers (rank 11 and above) of Toiletology can promote other members up through the ranks. It will be future officers job to train the new members below them.